Newsline from the FdS board meeting of October 4, 2017

The Board, chaired by Alain Hoffmann, Director of the Faculty of Science,
was held on Wednesday, October 4, 2017.

Here are the main topics discussed


The following items were on the agenda:

The job descriptions for the recruitment of Teaching Fellows and Associate Teaching Fellows (PAST) have been voted and validated by the assembly. Recruitment will be carried out in accordance with article 46.1 of Decree no. 84-431 of June 6 1984 laying down the common statutory provisions applicable to Research Professors and the special status of University Professors and Lecturers:
- Chemistry teaching department: two lecturer posts and one professor post,
- Mathematics teaching department: one lecturer post and one professor post,
- Computer Science teaching department: one lecturer position,
- Biology-Living Mechanisms teaching department: one professor position,
- Physics teaching department: one lecturer position,
- Biology-Ecology teaching department: two lecturer positions and one professor position,
- Electronics-Electrotechnics-Automation teaching department: one PAST position.


The Board voted to award the third wave of 2017 teaching projects:
- a 3D printing of biological elements and viruses for the Biology-Mechanisms of Living (Bio-MV) Department,
- a flash point for the Chemistry Department,
- a new in situ measurement device for groundwater resource assessment (identification of preferential borehole production zones): Heat Flowmeter for the Earth Water Environment Teaching Department (DESTEEM).

The Board adopted three agreements:
- between the CEVENN'ESSENCES company and the University of Montpellier, for the loan of equipment,
- between the Jardin Antique Méditerranéen and the University of Montpellier, as part of the General Public Scientific Workshops,
- between the TOTAL company and the University of Montpellier, to specify the terms and conditions of the company's sponsorship as part of the educational activities initiated within the Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment Master's program.

The Board voted an exceptional grant of €500 awarded to the Club des Jeunes de la Société Chimique de France for the organization of the 5th Mediterranean Days for Young Researchers to be held onOctober 12and 13, 2017.

Miscellaneous : Managing student flows in the first year of undergraduate studies. Our faculty is going to carry out an in-depth study of teaching methods, as well as reorganizing timetables for the start of the new academic year.

Your elected representatives and Department Directors are your contacts within the Montpellier Faculty of Science. Don't hesitate to contact them.

You can always find the minutes of our Board meetings and other information on our website =>Clickhere!