Dear Students,

For those of you who haven't yet filled in the form, I'd like to inform you that the course and teaching evaluation survey for L courses is still online: it concerns your second-semester courses.

You will find on your ENT a general questionnaire (about the training) and a questionnaire about each TU you have attended.

These questionnaires are completely anonymous once validated.

We need this data to help us improve both our courses and our facilities at the University. That's why it's so important for us to have your support.
Your teachers have direct access to the results of the TU questionnaires.
The results of the general questionnaires will be made public and accessible to all.
The feedback you give us will be used to improve our courses (via the teaching teams) and the operation of our shared services (via the quality approach).

Finally, I would like to remind you that each of these questionnaires includes one or more free fields for you to record any comments you feel are important for us to know.
Please note, however, that these comments will be moderated before they are circulated, and that all fanciful, insulting or defamatory messages will be systematically eliminated.
In particular, we will discard any texts naming a specific person (we're here to assess the teaching, not the teachers!).


1) The application is available after logging on to ENT by clicking on the "Evaluation of teaching" thumbnail on the home page.

1 bis) It can also be found in the ENT by clicking on the Schooling category.

1 ter) If you can't find the link on your ENT (this is the case, for example, for PEIPs), there's another way: go tohttps://survey.umontpellier.fr, log in and select the "My surveys" tab.

2) The application opens in a new tab on the application home page.

3) Surveys are available by clicking on the "My surveys" tab.

3.1) You will then find a general questionnaire (training) followed by a questionnaire for each TU.

3.2) Complete each questionnaire. If a question is irrelevant (e.g. "what do you think of field trips" for a TU maths question): don't answer it (only a few questions fall into this category).

3.3) When you've finished filling in a questionnaire and you're sure of yourself, you can validate.

4) Results are available by clicking on the "My results" tab.

I thank you in advance for your active participation and for the care you will take with these answers.

Jérôme Castellon
Head of Evaluation for the Faculty of Science