Message from the Management of the Faculty of Science

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Colleagues,

The Council of the Faculty of Science, meeting on Friday October 26, 2018, voted and ratified the adoption of a new organizational chart for the Management of the Faculty of Science of Montpellier. Through this vote, the Councillors expressed their need for greater proximity between the various players in our Community, concerning the various institutional deadlines to come - and in particular, the new 2021/2025 accreditation -.

To develop and facilitate efficient communication, two levels of responsibility have been defined within the new political team: Deputy Directors and Pedagogical Managers.

The role of the Vice-Principals is to create an interface with our University's governing bodies and councils; that of the Heads of Teaching is to establish a relationship with our "Training and Research" community that is sure to work.

Thanks to the commitment of the new managers (LMD5 - Bachelor's - Master's - Apprenticeship/Continuing Education), the newly-defined structure should enable us to streamline information and exchanges, and answer all questions relating to pedagogy and the day-to-day management of our training offer, whether it be the pedagogical management provided by teachers and lecturers, or the management provided by the administrative and technical staff of the Faculty of Science, whether they are assigned to teaching departments or central services.

Freed from the tasks associated with the various bodies and councils of our establishment, they will also be able to facilitate the implementation of our future LMD5 training offer, and guarantee the desired proximity to all teachers, staff and users of the UFR Sciences.

As in previous years, the numerous tasks concerning our representation in the political life of the University or the representativeness of our Component at local, national and international level will be distributed within the Management: delegation to the various Councils - Board of Directors, Academic Council, Technical Committee, Joint Establishment Commission, Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee, etc. -, Muse "Montpellier Université d'Excellence", Opération Campus de Montpellier, etc.

Thanks to the hard work of successive management teams over the last few years - to whom we must express our sincere thanks for their valuable commitment - we have no regrets: our Montpellier Faculty of Science is fully established in the university landscape, the present enables us to move forward without attrition, and to look to the future with confidence.

"We must have no regrets for the past, no remorse for the present and unshakeable confidence for the future." Jean Jaurès 1859-1914


Alain Hoffmann and the FdS Management Team

University of Montpellier