Use your superpower to evaluate the Faculty of Science's training courses

The Bachelor's and Master's degree course evaluation survey is online

Click on the link below, log in with your ENT login and complete the survey.

This questionnaire, which takes less than 5 minutes to complete, is completely anonymous once validated.

Answer the questionnaire



 If a question is not applicable, or if you are not concerned, please do not answer it (only a few questions fall into this category).

We need this data to help us improve both our training courses and our facilities at the University. That's why it's so important for us to have your help. The results of the questionnaire will be made public and accessible to all. The feedback you give us will be used to improve our courses (via the teaching teams) and the operation of our shared services (via the quality initiative).

1) go to
2) log in (ENT identifiers)
3) select the "Results" tab