Would you like to prepare your internship or job search?

Would you like to prepare your internship or job search?

TheSCUIO-IP'sBureaud'Aide à l'Insertion Professionnelle runsworkshops throughout the year tohelpyouwitha range of topics:

- Organize your search for an internship and/or a job
- Write a CV
- Write a cover letter
- Prepare for a recruitment interview
- Revamp your CV
- CV and cover letter in English
- Apply for a work-study contract
- Apply for a Master's degree
- Identify your skills and make the most of them!

Location: Triolet and Richter campuses.

To take part? Find out about the different sessions on offer?

Register now by clicking on the following link: https://sphinx.umontpellier.fr/SurveyServer/s/scuio/InscriptionAteliersBAIP/questionnaire.htm
