Noise : Interview with IES researcher Thomas Delaunay

Did you know that there's no such thing as absolute silence, that there are several different types of noise, that marine noise pollution is now a thing of the past, that selling silence is a marketing ploy, and so on?

Thomas Delaunay is a senior lecturer at the FdS and continues his research work with the M2A team at the IES - Institut d'Électronique et des Systèmes, a CNRS-UM joint research unit. He is also in charge of teaching the Acoustics and Sound Environment professional degree in the EEA (Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation) teaching department.

Invited by a local radio station, he informs us about the different noises in the environment, punctuated by some choice music.

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The presentation was divided into 3 parts of about 8 minutes each:
1- Presentation of the subject: What is noise? What are its components, how is it interpreted?
2- The facts: Classification of noise classes, examples in the region, consideration of its importance.
3- The future: Noise as a societal issue, the problem of noise memory, solutions for combating it, players who can take action.