October 14, 2021 : IESF-OM/CODIGE Prize

Every year, the IESF-OM/Codige prize is awarded to the best internship reports by engineering and M2 students.

The award ceremony will be held on October 14 at AgroParis Tech in Montpellier at 5:30 p.m. (Registration by e-mailàcontact@iesf-lr.orgavanton 10/10).

This year, 1st place :

DESMAZES Omeya (Master Science de l'eau - Parcours Eau et Société ((Masters Supagro co-accredited with the University of Montpellier)
Title: Study of socio-ecological connectivity between inhabitants and aquatic environments in Martinique - The case of three maritime watersheds

2nd place:

JIBAJA VALDERRAMA Olenka (Master de Sciences, Technologies, Sante. Mention: Chemie ((UM-ERASMUS))
Title: Nanofiltration for the treatment of black liquor in the paper and pulp industry.