March 29, 2022: GM Conference & DS Gaïa: Zététique & biais cognitifs by Thomas DURAND

Amphi Mousseron
Pôle chimie Balard, 240 Av. du Pr. Jeanbrau, 34296 Montpellier and by videoconference

Zetetics & cognitive biases byThomasDURAND

Registration required

Zetetics takes an interest in discourses in the realms of belief and pseudoscience, in order to tame the intellectual tools needed to assess the validity of discourses in general.
The first step in zetetics is to become aware of the blind spots in our rationality, and of what comes out of it in spite of ourselves. Fortunately, there are ways of identifying situations where error is likely, suspending judgment and asking ourselves the right questions. This not only helps us to avoid falling into the traps set before us, but also to outwit the greatest manipulator of all: ourselves.

Science popularizer, host of La Tronche en Biais, director of the Association pour la Science et la Transmission de l'Esprit Critique and author of books on science and critical thinking*, Thomas Durand is also a novelist and playwright.
*Books: "The Irony of Evolution" DS. Seuil 2018, "Connaissez-vous l'homéopathie?" DS. Matériologiques 2019, "Quand est-ce qu'on biaise?" DS. Humenscience 2019 and "Pyramidology" 2021.