January 18, 2023 - Welcome meeting ESN Montpellier
ESN (Erasmus Student Network) organizes a series of film screenings to promote France's cinematic heritage to an international student audience. In addition to conferences, welcome stands and forums, these screenings enable the association to organize more entertaining awareness-raising projects that reach a wider audience, including mainly UM students. Due to the large number of different nationalities present at our events, these screenings will be in VO (French) with English subtitles.
The first screening, which will also be the "Welcome Meeting" of the second semester, will take place onWednesday 18/01at 6:30pm at the MDEAimé Schoenig on the Richter Campus.
It will be free, of course, and accompanied by a buffet after the screening.The film on offer is "L'auberge Espagnole" by Cédric Klapisch, about the adventures of a French Erasmus student in Barcelona.The event is totally free of charge and financed by ESN Montpellier and the MDE.Registration is required, however, as seating for the film is limited.
See the Facebook event
Reserve your free place