International Relations Day
The Pôle Relations Internationales of the Faculty of Science is organizing its very first International Day on Thursday, October 5, 2023, starting at 10 a.m. in Building 36.
Booths will be set up in the hall of Building 36, and entertainment will be provided throughout the day.
Here is the detailed program:
- Photo exhibition in the hall of building 36 of students who went abroad last year.
- Information meeting on outgoing mobility starting at 12:30 in amphi 36.01. An opportunity for you to meet the IR managers and administrative team. It's also an opportunity to find out about exchange programs, hear from students who have gone abroad in previous years, and simply ask all your questions!
- Prize-giving ceremony for the winners of the photo competition organized last spring on the theme of international mobility from 1:45pm in amphi 36.01.
We hope to see many of you there!