Evaluation of odd-semester courses/training

The odd-semester evaluation survey for Bachelor's degree courses is now online.

You will find a general questionnaire on your ENT and a questionnaire on each TU that you followed in the first semester.

These questionnaires are completely anonymous once validated.

We need this data to help us improve both our courses and our facilities. That's why your support is so important.
Your teachers have direct access to the results of the TU questionnaires.

The results of the general questionnaires will be made public and accessible to all.
The feedback you give us will be used to improve our training courses (via the teaching teams) and the operation of our shared services (via the quality initiative).

Finally, we would like to remind you that each of these questionnaires includes a free field in which you can record any comments you feel are important for us to know. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that these comments will be moderated before publication, and that all fanciful, insulting or defamatory messages will be systematically eliminated. In particular, we will discard any texts naming a specific person (we're here to appreciate the teaching, not the teachers!).

1) Log on to ENT:https://ent.umontpellier.fr

2) Then enter your corporate e-mail address and password.

3) Click on "My studies

4) Select "Teaching evaluations".

5) You will then find a general questionnaire followed by a questionnaire for each TU.

6) Complete each questionnaire. If a question is irrelevant (e.g. "what do you think of field trips" for a TU maths): don't answer it.
(only a few questions fall into this category)

7) When you've finished filling in a questionnaire and you're sure of yourself, you can validate. From now on, all your answers to the
questionnaire will be anonymized.

8) If you can't find the link on your ENT (this is the case, for example, for PEIP), there's another way: go to https://survey.umontpellier.fr, log in and select the "My surveys" tab.

To consult past surveys:
1) go to https://survey.umontpellier.fr
2) log in (ENT identifiers)
3) choose the "Results" tab

To access the page => Quality approach: