March 22, 2019: Space conference

Friday, March 22, 2019
2pm to 5pm

Amphi Dumontet (Bât 7) - Triolet Campus

Click here to register


2:00 pm: Start of the conference

Presentation by Yves Langevin, Planetologist, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, on the Bepi Colombo Mission and the issue of orbital transfers for interplanetary space missions.
BepiColombo is a mission to explore the planet Mercury, launched on October 19, 2018. Mercury is a little-known planet, yet its proximity to the Sun makes it an important scientific target for understanding the genesis of the solar system.

Speech by Eric de Saintignon, former OneWeb Satellites COO (COO stand for Chief Operating Officer), on OneWeb and satellite constellations

The OneWeb Satellites project, 900 satellites weighing 150 kg, mass-produced by a new production system. They will be sent as a constellation around the globe, providing Internet access to everyone on the planet.

5:00 pm: End of the conference