An FdS project Winner of the Pierre Fabre Foundation

On May 20, 2019, 6 associations from Occitanie presented their projects during a ceremony organized at the Pierre Fabre Foundation headquarters.

These projects are aimed at improving access to healthcare in the Republic of Guinea, Benin, Cambodia, Rwanda, Chad and Burkina-Faso.

Launched in 2016, the Pierre Fabre Foundation's Occitanie call for projects is aimed at cooperation players in the region implementing healthcare development aid actions for impoverished populations in developing countries. It reflects the Foundation's desire to support the dynamism of healthcare cooperation players in the Occitanie region. Béatrice Garrette, Managing Director of the Foundation, took the opportunity to recall that since 2002, nearly 70 different initiatives have benefited from one-off financial assistance from the Foundation. And since 2016, the Occitanie Call for Projects has supported 23 projects in 16 countries.

The 2019 call for projects was open from November 12, 2018 to January 31, 2019. Of the projects received this year, 28 were examined by the selection panel, which selected the following 6 winners, including the project by :

Frank Mennechet and his team at the Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier (Montpellier, Hérault) - Collaborative epidemiological and fundamental studies against adenoviruses in Chad and Burkina Faso, in a global vaccination context.

Adenovirus: Receptors, Intracellular Traffic and Vectorology" Laboratory
Location: IGMM, CNRS
Project leader: Franck Mennechet (MCU University of Montpellier)
Laboratory director: Eric J Kremer (DR1 - INSERM)
Océane Paris (PhD student at the University of Montpellier - IGMM)
Aline Raissa Ouoba ( Doctoral student at the University of Montpellier - IGMM and at the Muraz Center in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina-Faso )

Our research project, supported by the Pierre Fabre Foundation, is part of a global effort to improve vaccination strategies using viral vector-derived vaccines in developing countries. It is both a fundamental and field research project, part of a "North-South" scientific exchange, between the University of Montpellier, the CNRS, Chadand BurkinaFaso(development of on-site research with local partners, training of students, awareness-raising and education of the scientific and medical community on numerous subjects concerning vaccination).

Pierre Fabre Foundation regional call for projects