January 30, 2020: Entrepreunariat conference - Be free, become the entrepreneur of your life!

Entrepreneurship" conference onThursday, January 30aspart of the Rencontres de l'Insertion Professionnelle:
Date: Thursday, January 30, 2020 // 18h-19h30
Location: Campus Triolet // Bâtiment 7 - Amphithéâtre Dumontet

"Be free, become the entrepreneur of your life!"

A conference to help you understand today's and tomorrow's business world, and how to find your place in it while realizing your full potential.

Pierre Alzingre, start-up - entrepreneurship specialist, givesthe 5 keys to becoming an entrepreneur in your own life.
An individual personality test is offered to all participants to discover their areas of strength.

Conference registration

BAIP- SCUIO-IP:scuioip-baip@umontpellier.fr
04 34 43 32 47