January 28, 2021 - Conference: The best way to find a job is to create one! (SCUIO-IP)

The SCUIO-IP of the University of Montpellier is organizing a conference on the theme of entrepreneurship,

thursday january 28 at 5pm by videoconference,

as part of the " Rencontres de l'Insertion Professionnelle" event

"The best way to find a job is to be able to create it!"

The Covid crisis is having a major impact on companies, organizations and the job market in general, and while we don't yet know all the real consequences, it's important to be prepared to live in a constantly changing economic world.

We invite you to join us for a discussion led by Sonia Braun, chartered accountant, and Pierre Alzingre, marketing expert, on the theme: "The best way to find a job is to be able to create one".

A conference that will give the keys to the skills, mindset and strategies to develop so as not to be dependent on a complex and uncertain job market.

Register to receive the link to the conference: REGISTRATION

For more information : click here

Contact: scuioip-baip@umontpellier.fr

Bureau d'Aide à l'Insertion Professionnelle (Job placement assistance office)

Information - Orientation - Insertion Professionnelle // SCUIO-IP - UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTPELLIER

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