Awards ceremony for L2 Chemistry students

Our chemistry students in the spotlight!

The awards ceremony took place on Thursday, December 9, 2021.

L2 Chemistry organizes its third awards ceremony, congratulating students who have distinguished themselves over the past academic year. This annual event is also an opportunity for L2 and L3 students (chemistry and physics-chemistry) to attend one or more lectures for the general public.

After a conference in 2017 on new approaches to cancer chemotherapy (by Professor S. Papot, University of Poitiers), a conference in 2018 dedicated to the chemistry of Love (by Professor M. Hibert, University of Strasbourg), then a break imposed by health restrictions, 2 new conferences were able to take place this year. These enabled students to discover two highly original and little-known themes in chemistry, such as chemistry and the origins of life (Dr. R. Pascal, Université d'Aix-Marseille, lecture entitled"What can guide chemistry towards spontaneous organization?"), and the field of miniaturized synthetic engines on a molecular scale, with the second international nano-vehicle race due to take place next spring (Professor G. Rapenne, University of Toulouse and Nara, lecture entitled"Prototypes de machines moléculaires : Moteurs, engrenages et véhicules" ).

As head of L2 Chemistry, I would like to thank everyone at the University of Montpellier who helped organize this event: the lecturers, the Chemistry Department teachers who were able to free up their time to congratulate the students in their respective modules, the students, with a special thought for all the sponsors of this day, including the publishers, who support us in this moment of scientific sharing that unites research and teaching.

Contact:frederic.coutrot@umontpellier.frL2 Chemistry Manager