Université du Tiers Temps (UTT): Call for conference proposals (submission deadline - April 10, 2022)

The UM contributes to the dissemination of scientific culture within the Université du Tiers Temps.

=> UTT conferences

Around 180 lectures are given each year at the Université du Tiers Temps or UTT, an inter-university service founded over 40 years ago, which in 2021 had over 1,500 students.
The conferences offered by our university community aim to energize, disseminate and promote scientific culture for all, and to develop the critical, reasoned and constructive minds of our fellow citizens.

Open to students enrolled at UTT, the lectures take place Monday to Friday from 2:30 to 3:30 pm or from 4 to 5 pm. The format is one hour, including questions. The usual venue is the Salle Pétrarque, 2 Pl. Pétrarque, in the town center, equipped with audio-visual facilities.

Remuneration: researchers and teacher-researchers involved in the program may be remunerated according to university course conditions, or they may choose to work on a voluntary basis.

Health constraints: those responding to the call must undertake, in the event that the lectures cannot be held in person, to provide support (audio/video) before the scheduled date of their lecture. These materials will only be distributed to students registered at UTT.


=> Call for proposals

Fill in the form online
until April 10, 2022: "Conference proposals" tab on the home page.


=> UM conferences at UTT

Lectures should be accessible to as many people as possible, while retaining their academic character. It is recommended (except for a few fundamentals) not to propose lectures that have already been given the previous year.

In 2022-23, a theme week will be devoted to conferences on "Travel, travelers, writers". All aspects relating to this theme are to be considered.
After examining the proposals relating to its disciplines, a selection committee attached to the UM research commission will propose a list of lectures to UTT. The selected speakers will be contacted by the UTT administration to determine the date(s) of their presentation(s).

Contact: henri.reboul@umontpellier.fr or utt@univ-montp3.fr