November 7, 2022 - Let's talk doctorates with Adèle Combes! Working conditions and mental health of young researchers: what are the findings and solutions?

Monday7 November 17h
Amphi 2, building 36, Université de Montpellier
Campus Triolet (main entrance traffic circle donut-saucisse)

The ecology and environment research laboratories of DIPEE Occitanie-Est(, with the support of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Montpellier, are pleased to invite you to a meeting with Adèle B. Combes, PhD in neurobiology, initiator of the "Vie thèse" project and author of the book Comment l'université broie jeunes chercheurs? Combes, PhD in neurobiology, initiator of the "Vie de thèse" project and author of the book Comment l'université broie les jeunes chercheurs? Précarité, harcèlement, loi du silence (Autrement, 2022).

Through her survey of a panel of doctoral students from a variety of institutions and disciplines, Adèle B. Combes has helped free the press on a subject that is still too little discussed: the malaise among young researchers and the abuse they sometimes suffer. Combes has contributed to freeing the word on a subject that is still too little discussed: the malaise among young researchers and the abuses to which they are sometimes subjected.

The Adèle B. Combes lecture will last 30 minutes and will be followed by a 45-minute round table discussion on concrete solutions to improve the well-being and mental health of young researchers.
Several people will be joining this round table:
-Ms May MorrisCNRS Research Director, iBMM Pôle Chimie Balard Recherche, Femmes & Sciences Occitanie Est referent, member of the Femmes & Sciences Board of Directors and coordinator of the Femmes & Sciences mentoring program

- Ms Mathilde MaillardPhD in materials science, founder of Bien Dans Ma Thèse

- Mr Pierre-OIivier AntoineProfessor, University of Montpellier, Deputy Director, ISEM laboratory

The meeting will be moderated by Guillaume Bagnolini, science journalist at Cosciences

We look forward to seeing you in person, in Amphi 2 of Building 36 on the Triolet campus of the University of Montpellier, on Monday November 7 at 5pm. For those who can't make it, you can also follow the meeting on YouTube at We hope to see many of you there!