Girls, Maths and Computers: A luminous equation

On Friday April 14, 2023, the IRES Department (Institut de Recherche pour l'Enseignement des Sciences) of the Faculty of Science organized the Maths and Computer Science Girls Day at the Montpellier IUT.

150 girls from Biterrois middle and high schools were present throughout the day.

The program includes speed meetings, a conference and a play!

The Faculty of Science is proud to organize this event, which aims to encourage girls interested in mathematics and computer science to take up scientific studies and careers with a strong emphasis on these two subjects. To this end, we're offering high-school and middle-school girls the chance to chat in small groups with mathematicians and computer scientists about their studies and careers, and to reflect on the impact of stereotypes on their career choices, and on the lack of gender diversity in the computer science and mathematics professions.