UEs de culture générale - Odd-numbered semesters from L1 to L3

Responsible => Jean-Yves.LeGuennec@umontpellier.fr

This is a cross-disciplinary TU for non-biology students. This teaching unit deals with a major current social issue: the influence of physical activity and nutrition on health.
Numerous chronic diseases have developed in recent years. These include diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. To combat these so-called societal diseases, it is recognized that physical activity and nutrition are the two most important levers. The reasons behind these favorable effects involve favorable physiological and neurophysiological remodeling.
In this teaching unit, the muscular and neurophysiological adaptations associated with physical activity will be covered, as well as the fundamentals of nutrition, both for the general population and for athletes.

Acquisition of basic concepts in nutrition, muscular physiology and neurophysiology and their remodelling with exercise.

Timetable: TD: 15h

Assessment of knowledge: 100% CC

1) Muscular physiology (5h)
- Adaptations of the cardiovascular system to exercise
- Adaptations of the skeletal muscular system to exercise
- Adaptations of the respiratory system to exercise

2) Neurophysiology (5h)
- Central nervous system adaptations to exercise
- Peripheral nervous system adaptations to exercise

3) Nutrition (5h)
- General information on nutrition
- Nutrition basics for athletes

Responsible => agnes.fichard-carroll@umontpellier.fr

Science floods works of art; Art takes hold of Science as a medium. Art and science are in constant dialogue. Their connections are long-standing and robust, but are often arbitrarily opposed or separated, even in university curricula.

TU aims to help people discover these deep-rooted links and open up new horizons:
. by providing concrete knowledge that sheds light on these two fields (any art, any scientific discipline)
. by offering encounters with contemporary artists and scientists to shed light on their work
. by opening the doors of the city's cultural venues (Musée Fabre, MoCO, Panacée, Frac, Opéra/Orchestre, Espace Bagouet, Pavillon Populaire, Galleries, etc.) and offering high-quality mediation.
Each year, the program is put together with the support of the UM's Art & Culture department, in line with current events, exhibitions and artistic programs in the city.

Some examples of themes:
. Art and science: the same creativity
. Photography: the wealth of technology at the service of artistic expression
. New art forms inspired by science: biotechnological art, digital art
. The vision of artists
. Restoring works of art through Science

In addition to acquiring knowledge in both fields, the emphasis is on opening up to new horizons, personal enrichment and encounters with artists and researchers. TheTU website provides students with original material that they can use on other occasions (interviews, competitions), because culture is also a factor in success. Acquisition of soft skills: curiosity, creativity, etc.

CM : 15 h

Assessment: Written test

Responsible => Elodie.Brunel@umontpellier.fr

Manager: alban.mancheron@umontpellier.fr

Name ofTU : Introduction to Python programming for scientific data analysis and visualization

The aim of this course is to enable students of physics, chemistry and other subjects to read data from a file, analyze it and visualize it.

Students will try to locate ESP32-type sensors using the (simulated) wifi signal strength data they receive from surrounding sensors.
For this, they will have to implement simple algorithms (conditonnelles, loops), then visualization solutions using the library matplotlib. Finally, they will use machine learning libraries (sklearn) to predict sensor positions in the plane.

Prerequisites to follow this TU :

Students should have a basic understanding of signal transmission and classical probability laws (normal law, chi-2, etc.). They should also have already done some programming with a simple editor.

Manager: alban.mancheron@umontpellier.fr

Name ofTU : Introduction to Python programming for scientific data analysis and visualization

The aim of this course is to enable students of physics, chemistry and other subjects to read data from a file, analyze it and visualize it.

Students will try to locate ESP32-type sensors using the (simulated) wifi signal strength data they receive from surrounding sensors.
For this, they will have to implement simple algorithms (conditonnelles, loops), then visualization solutions using the library matplotlib. Finally, they will use machine learning libraries (sklearn) to predict sensor positions in the plane.

Prerequisites to follow this TU :

Students should have a basic understanding of signal transmission and classical probability laws (normal law, chi-2, etc.). They should also have already done some programming with a simple editor.

Manager: sylvie.guenard-jarrix@umontpellier.fr


The aim of this teaching unit is to present the applications of engineering training in professions closely or remotely related to health. Today, e-health is helping to alleviate a number of problems: access to diagnostics, or wellness applications in medical deserts or at a distance because of a global pandemic, and a growing aging population to manage simultaneously. E-health relies heavily on new technologies, many of which use waves, for example between a heart rate sensor and the display on a connected watch.

Module objectives

Acquire a basic understanding of the operation of medical equipment using electromagnetic microwaves or optical waves.
Be aware of the safety of high-frequency medical devices for health, both in terms of their use and data transmission.

Outline and organization: The module, which totals 15 hours, is structured around 4 themes:

Wave theory

Wireless information transfer and regulations

Notion of electromagnetic compatibility and safety

Medical and health wave applications

The course will be accompanied by practical demonstrations and even practical work.


Written report on an e-health topic
15-minute oral presentation

Manager: gilles.despaux@umontpellier.fr

Manager: Sonia.chalbi@umontpellier.fr

=> Systematic training in writing through various media (games/press articles/micro-fictions)
=> Enrichment of general culture through literary and cinematographic references
=> Revision of spelling and recurring errors in writing (past participles, relative pronouns, conjunctions, conjugation, etc.).

Themes (non-exhaustive):
-cities of the future
-jeux d'écriture le surréalisme/ l'OULIPO
-exhibition of virtual photography
-localized workshop in a cultural venue (la Panacée/Tropisme) to be determined according to the calendar
-participation in April in "Dis moi dix mots" of the Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie

Evaluation :
- Writing (regularity of individual or collective reports) 40%
- DS with a choice of writing topic or synthesis of documents 60%.

I don't ask myself if I write "well", I write as far as I can. The evaluation of what I've done comes afterwards, when I return to the text, after I've discarded it. Either I eliminate it, or I continue to file it until it makes sense to me.

Managing to be dense with nothing. When you use few words, each one has to weigh a ton.

Manager: Christophe.Coillot@umontpellier.fr

TU aims to provide students from all fields of study with a common base of knowledge on environmental issues, particularly climate change. TU opens the door to solutions for responding to these issues individually, professionally and collectively. It addresses the two pillars of ecological transition: eco-citizenship and systemic transformation.

Train students to be aware of environmental issues in relation to socio-economic functioning.
Acquire a global vision of solutions for the ecological transition: from the individual scale to that of societies.
Acquire notions of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). Learn how to draw up a carbon balance sheet.

TD: 15h, 1.5h slots

Manager :corinne.lautier@umontpellier.fr

Data base :

1- Information and data
Search and monitor information (search engine, social networks...)
Manage data (file manager, databases...)
Process data (spreadsheet)
2- Communication and collaboration
Interact (e-mail, videoconferencing...)
Share and publish (sharing platforms, forum and comment space...)
Collaborate in a group (collaborative work platform and document sharing...)
Enter the digital world (develop a public presence on the web...)
3- Content creation
Develop text documents (word processing, presentation...).)
Develop multimedia documents (image/sound/video/animation capture and editing...)
Adapt documents to their purpose (format conversion tools...)
Program (simple computer development, solve a logical problem...)
4- Protection and security
Secure the digital environment (protection software, encryption...))
Protect personal data and privacy (confidentiality settings...)
Protect health, well-being and the environment
5- Environment and digital
Solve technical problems (software configuration and maintenance...)
Build a digital environment (operating system, installation of new software...)

Objectives :

1- Validate a minimum level in the use of digital tools (web tools, data processing software, document writing, etc.)
2- Have a basic knowledge of computer science that will enable students to take TU in Bioinfo in L2S4, obtain their CMI or PEIP diploma. This is also a prerequisite for MEEF training.
3- Obtain pix certification, which is now in demand in the professional world and recognized in Europe. The pix certification is taken in person on the fds computers.

Hourly volumes :

TD: 1.5h
TP: 6h

Mandatory prerequisites:

Have access to a computer (keyboard + mouse); tablets and smartphones are not suitable. Either a personal computer or use the university's computers in dedicated rooms (until 8pm).

Install the necessary free software.

Knowledge control:

=> 2 Continuous assessments (independent homework)
=> 1 Final exam (independent homework)

=> 1 Rattrapage (grade obtained in pix certification)

Manager: thomas.hausberger@umontpellier.fr

In music, as in science, experimentation allows us to imagine new creative spaces in which to develop new forms of expression.

The aim of this teaching module, co-hosted by an artist-musician and a mathematician, is to collectively develop a symbolic and sonic language that will enable the creation of graphic scores and computer-based musical compositions.

This creative process will be nourished by an exploration of mathematical language. In this way, the encounter between science and the arts offers a new perspective on the issues of scientific language and communication, while science inspires the artistic creation process. Students who play an instrument are particularly welcome, although there will be facilities for everyone to experiment with sound production.

No knowledge of mathematics or solfeggio is strictly necessary, and the research will be designed to include the artistic sensibilities of each student. The course will alternate between sessions offering an introduction to the history of science and workshop sessions on sound research and artistic creation.

Assessment will be based on a project carried out in small groups. Places are limited to 24 people. Sessions take place on Tuesdays from 4.45pm to 7.30pm (8 sessions over the semester, 15h in all).

Manager: Isabelle Parrot (isabelle.parrot-smietana@umontpellier.fr)


If you're a student at the Faculty of Science, or a young person involved in scientific training, come and have your say on scientific subjects in a fun and interactive way!

After a few introductory sessions to scientific mediation, you'll prepare one or more events and work with students as part of the Univerlacité program.

UniverlaCité, a unique initiative in France!

UniverlaCité" is a project developed by the University of Montpellier with the aim of bringing the University to life in the so-called "priority" neighborhoods within the framework of the city policy and in the Réseaux d'Education Prioritaire (R.E.P.).

UniverlaCité places students at the heart of its actions, as ambassadors who actively participate in the cultural influence of the University of Montpellier.

Accompanied in this process by teacher-researchers and scientific mediators, you'll become ambassadors for the University to young people who don't necessarily have higher education on their horizon.

We hope that this invitation to share knowledge will be just the beginning of a great and enriching adventure for all. We're convinced that offering as many people as possible the chance to express themselves freely on scientific themes will also open up new avenues of reflection for future citizens, so that each and every one of us can take an informed part in major environmental and societal issues, and thus play an active part in building the world of tomorrow.

Assessment: CT 100%project
Project presentation to other classes.

Teaching team: Mylène Le Cam (UM Science Mediator), Thierry Noëll (Teaching Engineer, UniverlaCité), Claire LOISEAU (Research Teacher, MIVEGEC Unit), Isabelle Parrot (MCU FDS IBMM)

Location: Room 35.19