Cursus in Education

The new orientation and programming law for the refoundation of the school of the Republic has created the Écoles Supérieures du Professorat et de l'Éducation (ESPÉ), which from September 2013 will organize the training of future teachers at academic level: the ESPÉ are the result of the pooling of the strengths of the Rectorat and the universities to ensure the initial and continuing training of primary and secondary school teachers and other teaching professions (Conseillers Principaux d'Éducation, Documentalistes, etc.). In partnership with the Rectorat, the five universities in the Montpellier area are now pooling their skills to provide this training (Masters in Teaching, Education and Training -MEEF- and preparation for competitive examinations).

Montpellier's Faculty of Science offers pre-professional courses at Licence and Master levels. We have a policy of supporting future teachers (EAP) and offer a range of training courses to prepare you for the following professions:

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY bachelor's degree: Pre-professionalization course in the third year of the bachelor's degree (particularly within the framework of the "emplois d'avenir professeurs" program)

CME Biotechnologies pre-professionalization courses in the second and third years of the Life Sciences degree
M1 MEEF Biotechnologies course
M2 MEEF Biotechnologies course

M1 MEEF Mathematics course
M2 MEEF Mathematics course

M1 MEEF PLP Math-Sciences course
M2 MEEF PLP Math-Sciences course

M1 MEEF Physics and Chemistry course
M2 MEEF Physics and Chemistry course

Pre-professional courses in the second and third year of a Life Sciences or Earth Sciences degree
M1 MEEF Life and Earth Sciences course
M2 MEEF Life and Earth Sciences course

M1 MEEF Numerics and Computer Science (NSI) course
M2 MEEF Numerics and Computer Science (NSI) course