Missions / Key figures
The main mission of the Montpellier Faculty of Science, part of the University of Montpellier, is to offer students a complete range of higher education courses in the sciences, both initial and continuing.
It participates in the permanent missions of Higher Education as defined in article L. 123-3 of the French Education Code, namely :
- Initial and continuing lifelong training ;
- Scientific and technological research, and the dissemination and valorization of its results for the benefit of society. The latter is based on the development of innovation, technology transfer where possible, expertise and support for associations and foundations recognized as being in the public interest, and public policies designed to meet societal challenges and social, economic and sustainable development needs;
- Guidance, social promotion and professional integration ;
- The dissemination of humanist culture, in particular through the development of human and social sciences, and scientific, technical and industrial culture;
- Participating in the construction of the European Higher Education and Research Area ;
- International cooperation.
Our training programs draw on the expertise of the University of Montpellier's research laboratories, particularly those attached to the Faculty of Science.
The Faculty's training offer is linked to the development of scientific research in all areas of fundamental and applied science: mathematics, computer science, mechanics, physics, chemistry, earth sciences, biology, etc., in conjunction with other French and foreign universities, local authorities and major national research organizations.
To accomplish this mission, the Faculty draws on the skills of its teaching and research staff, engineers, administrative, technical, social and health staff (IATSS) and external contributors from the professional world.
Montpellier University social report