By-laws / Board minutes / Statutory instruments
Proceedings of the Faculty of Science
Year 2024 - 2025
Year 2023 - 2024
Year 2022
Years 2017 to 2021
=> PV du conseil N°328 du 12 janvier 2022 +(View excerpts from PV n°328)
=> Board minutes N°329 of February 1, 2022
=> PV du conseil N°327 du 1er décembre 2021+ (French version only)(Consult the extracts of the minutes n°327) + Appendix 1
=> Minutes of meeting no. 326 of November 10, 2021
=> Minutes of meeting no. 325 of October 6, 2021+ (View excerpts from minutes no. 325)(See extracts from minutes n°325)
=> Minutes of meeting no. 324 of September 22, 2021
=> Minutes of meeting no. 323 of September 1, 2021+ (See excerpts from minutes no. 323)(See extracts from minutes n°323)
=> Minutes of meeting no. 322 of July 13, 2021
=> Minutes of meeting no. 321 of June 9, 2021+ (Consult extracts from minutes no. 321)(See extracts from minutes n°321)
=> Minutes of council meeting N°320 of May 12, 2021
=> Minutes of council meeting N°319of April 15, 2021+ (View excerpts from minutes n°319)(See excerpts from minutes n°319)
=> Minutes of council meeting N°318 of March 17, 2021
=> Minutes of council meeting N°317 of February 11, 2021+ (View excerpts of minutes N°317) (View excerpts from minutes no.317)
=> Minutes of council meeting N°316 of January 15, 2021+ (View excerpts of minutes N°316) (See extracts from minutes n°316)
=> PV du conseil N°315 du 9 décembre 2020+ (French version only)(Consult the extracts of the minutes n°315)
=> Minutes of council meeting N°314 of November 5, 2020+ (View excerpts from minutes N°314)(Consult the extracts of the minutes n°314)
=> Minutes of council meeting N°313 of october 14, 2020+(View excerpts from minutes no.313)
=> Minutes of meeting #312 - September 2, 2020+(See excerpts from minutes no.312)
=> Minutes of meeting no.311 of July 8, 2020+(See excerpts from minutes no.311)(See extracts from minutes n°311)
=> Minutes of council meeting N°310 Ter of June 25, 2020
=> Minutes of council meeting N°310 Bis of June 15, 2020
=> Minutes of council meeting N°310 of June 10, 2020+(See excerpts from PV n°310)
=> Minutes of council meeting N°309 of May 20, 2020+(View excerpts from minutes #309)
=> Minutes of council meeting N°308 of April 30, 2020
=> Minutes of council meeting N°307 of March 12, 2020 + (View extracts from minutes n°307)(View excerpts from minutes #307)
=>Minutesof council meeting N°306 of February 12, 2020+(View excerptsfrom minutes N°306)(See excerpts from minutes n°306)
=> Minutes of council meeting N°305 Bis of January 28, 2020
=> Minutes of council meeting N°305 of January 15, 2020 +(See extracts from minutes n°305)
=> Minutes of council meeting N°304 of december 11, 2019
=> Minutes of meeting no. 303 bis of November 13, 2019
=> Minutes of meeting no. 303 of November 13, 2019
=> Minutes of meeting N°302 of October 9, 2019
Minutes of council meeting N°301 of September 11, 2019+ => Minutes of council meeting N°302 of October 9, 2019(Consult the excerpt of PV n°301)
=> Minutes of meeting N°300 Bis of August 28, 2019
=> Minutes of meeting N°300 of July 12, 2019+ (View extract of minutes N°300)(Consult the extract of the minutes n°300)
=> Minutes of Board meeting N°299 of June 5, 2019+ (View extract of minutes N°299)(Consult the extract of the minutes n°299)
=> Minutes of meeting N°298 of May 15, 2019+(Consult the extract of the minutes n°298)
=> Minutes of meeting N°297 of April 10, 2019+(See extract of PV n°297)
=> Minutes of meeting N°296 of March 20, 2019+(Consult the extract of PV n°296)
=> Minutes of council meeting N°295 of February 13, 2019+(See extract of PV n°295)
=>Minutesof meeting N°294 of January 16, 2019
=>Minutes of the board meeting N°293 of December 12, 2018+(View the excerpt from PV n°293)
=>Minutes of council meeting N°292 of November 14, 2018+(View the excerpt from PV n°292)
=>Extraordinary council meeting of October 26, 2018
=>Minutes of council meeting N°291 of October 3, 2018+(Consult the excerpt of PV n°291)
=>Minutes of meeting N°290 of September 5, 2018+(View the excerpt from PV n°290)
=>Minutes of meeting no. 289 of July 4, 2018+(View the excerpt from PV n°289)
=>Minutes of meeting no. 288 of June 6, 2018+(View the excerpt from PV n°288)
=>Minutes of meeting no. 287 of May 16, 2018+(View the excerpt from PV n°287)
=>Minutes of meeting no. 286 of April 13, 2018/appendix1/appendix2+(View the excerpt from PV n°286)
=>Minutes of meeting no. 285 of March 7, 2018+(View the excerpt from PV n°285)
=>Minutes of meeting no. 284 of February 7, 2018+(View the excerpt from minutes no. 284)
=>Minutes of meeting no. 283 of January 10, 2018+(View the excerpt from PV n°283)
=> Minutes of council meeting #282 - December 13, 2017andMinutes of council meeting n°282 Bis - December 22, 2017+ (View extracts from minutes #282and #282Bis)
=> Minutes of meeting no. 281 - November 15, 2017+(Consult the excerpt of PV n°281)
=> Minutes of meeting n°280 - October 4, 2017+(View the excerpt of PV n°280)
=> Minutes of meeting no. 279 - September 6, 2017+(View the excerpt of PV n°279)
=> Minutes of meeting no. 277 - June 14, 2017/appendix 1/appendix 2 + (Consult the excerpt from PV n°277)
=> Minutes of meeting no. 276 - May 17, 2017 +(View the excerpt of PV n°276)
=> Minutes of meeting no. 275 - April 19, 2017 +(View the extract of PV n°275)
=> Minutes of meeting no. 274 - March 22, 2017 +(View the excerpt of PV n°274)
=> Minutes of meeting no. 273 - February 22, 2017 +(View the excerpt of PV n°273)
=> Minutes of meeting no. 272 - January 18, 2017+(View the excerpt of PV n°272)
Years 2013 to 2016
=> Minutes of board meeting no. 271 - December 7, 2016
=> Minutes of meeting no. 270 - November 16, 2016
=>Minutes of meeting no. 269 - October 19, 2016
=>Minutes of meeting no. 268 - September 28, 2016
=>Minutes of meeting no. 267 - August 31, 2016
=>Minutes of meeting no. 266 - July 11, 2016
=> Minutes of meeting no. 265 - June 8, 2016
=>Minutes of meeting no. 264 - May 11, 2016
=>Minutes of meeting no. 263 - April 13, 2016
=>Minutes of meeting no. 261 - February 17, 2016
=>Minutes of meeting no. 260 - January 20, 2016
=> Minutes of council meeting no. 247 - January 21, 2015
=>Minutes of council meeting no. 248 - February 25, 2015
=>Minutes of meeting no. 249 - March 4, 2015
=>Minutes of meeting no. 250 - March 25, 2015
=>Minutes of meeting no. 251 - April 29, 2015
=>Minutes of meeting no. 252 - May 20, 2015
=>Minutes of meeting no. 253 - June 10, 2015
=>Minutes of meeting no. 254 - July 10, 2015
=>Minutes of meeting no. 255 - September 2, 2015
=>Minutes of meeting no. 256 - September 30, 2015
=>Minutes of meeting no. 257 - October 21, 2015
=> Minutes of meeting no. 258 - November 18, 2015
=>Minutes of meeting no. 259 - December 15, 2015
=>Minutes of board meeting no. 236 - January 15, 2014
=>Minutes of council meeting no. 237 - March 19, 2014
=>Minutes of meeting no. 238 - April 16, 2014
=>Minutes of meeting no. 239 - May 21, 2014
=>Minutes of meeting no. 240 - June 12, 2014
=>Minutes of meeting no. 241 - July 11, 2014
=>Minutes of meeting no. 242 - September 3, 2014
=>Minutes of meeting no. 243 - September 24, 2014
=>Minutes of meeting no. 244 - October 22, 2014
=>Minutes of meeting no. 245 - November 26, 2014
=>Minutes of meeting no. 246 - December 17, 2014
=> Minutes of council meeting no. 230 - July 12, 2013
=>Minutes of meeting no. 231 - September 4, 2013
=>Minutes of meeting no. 232 - September 25, 2013
=> Minutes of meeting no. 233 - October 16, 2013
=>Minutes of meeting no. 234 - November 14, 2013
=>Minutes of meeting no. 235 - December 11, 2013
Members of the Faculty of Science Council
College A
Mathilde DUFAY
Souhila KACI
Philippe MÜNCH
Florence PERRIN
Christian RETORÉ
College B
Anne-Muriel ARIGON
Sèverine BERARD
Christine LEREDDE
Stéphanie ROUALDES
Constantin VERNICOS
Coralie WEIGEL
College BIATS
User College
=> Alétheïa BRUEL
Mathéo HUBERT (Substitute)
=> Sarah Melina PARENT
Aurélie JARRIGEON (Substitute)
=> Abdelhakim EL YOUBI
Julien GELUS (Substitute)
Mathilde BUGAREL (Substitute)
Habib BELHAOUARI (Substitute)
Myriam CHAHLAL (Substitute)
Louis DODARD (Substitute)
Lucile FROMENTIN (Substitute)
External personalities
=> Claire GATECEL - Conseil Régional Occitanie - Pyrénées- Méditerranée
=> Karine WISNIEWSKI - Conseil Départemental de l'Hérault
=> Jacques DIETRICH - Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council
=> Eric JALLAS - Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry
=> Max LEVITA - Montpellier Métropole
Alternate : Sébastien COTE
Outside personalities
=> Mr. Arnault IOUALALEN,PhD in computer science, CEO of NUMALIS (startup) and member of the board of the "Association FrenchTech Méditerranée" (distance learning).
=> Ms Florence LAZARD,retired, PhD in molecular biology and representative of the "Association des Amis de la Sciences de la Terre et du Climat en Pic Saint Loup", whose motto is "Understand in order to act" (in person).
=> Ms Martine LUMBRERAS,retired university professor in EEA, administrator of the association Femme&Sciences, General Secretary of "Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France Occitanie Méditerranée" (in presenti