30/11 to 01/12 - Elections: Users' College - Faculty of Science UFR Council

Electronic voting

From Tuesday, November 30 - 12 p.m. - to Wednesday,December 1, 2021 - 5 p.m. - your representatives will be elected to the Montpellier Faculty of Sciences' Conseil d'UFR by electronic ballot.

Click here for all the practical information and the electoral decision (and appendices) for this election:https://moodle.umontpellier.fr/course/view.php?id=9105

Users are all students enrolled in the Faculty of Science, from L1 to M2, during the 2021-2022 academic year.

UFR stands for UnitédeFormationet deRecherche, formerly known as Faculties.

The UFR is administered by the UFR Council, made up of elected members, and is headed by the UFR Director.

The Conseil d'UFR is the body empowered to discuss and propose guidelines for thefinancial(annual budget, subsidies, etc.) and pedagogical(academic calendar, agreements, etc.) activities of the Montpellier Faculty of Science. It elects its Director for a 5-year term. The Director chairs the Board, which meets regularly.

The Board has40voting members:

  • 10 University professors and associate professors (college A) elected for 4 years,
  • 10 of other teacher-researchers, lecturers and similar staff (College B) elected for 4 years,
  • 4 representatives of administrative and technical staff (IATSS college) elected for 4 years,
  • 8 student representatives and 8 alternates (USERS college) elected for 2 years,
  • 4 representatives of local authorities (Conseil Régional Occitanie - Pyrénées - Méditerranée, Conseil Départemental de l'Hérault, Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d'Industrie de Région Occitanie and Montpellier Métropole) appointed for 4 years by their respective administrations,
  • 3 outside personalities, proposed by the Councillors and approved by a vote of the Board. They are elected for 4 years.

The Board meets monthly.

It's important to get out and vote, because this election will enable you to elect yourrepresentatives tothis Council. There will be 8 elected members and 8 substitutes to represent all students at the Montpellier Faculty of Science, and to take part in the life of the Faculty for the next 4 years. They will be there to help and support you throughout your time at the Faculty.

There's no need to go to the polling station: you can vote from your PC or cell phone! For more information, keep an eye on your Faculty emails(prenom.nom@etu.umontpellier.fr). More precisely, on November 15, 2021, when you will receive your login, password and electronic voting instructions.

For moreinformation onthese elections, click on the following link:https://moodle.umontpellier.fr/course/view.php?id=9105