Elections for the Faculty of Science Council

Elections for members of the Montpellier Faculty of Science Council took place
on Tuesday, March 27, 2018, from 9am to 5pm.

Building 13: Large meeting room


Proclamation of results - College AProclamation of results - Collège BProclamation of results - Collège BIATSProclamation of results - Collège USAGERS


The Montpellier Faculty of Science is administered by a Board of 40 members representing the various categories of staff and users of the Faculty, as well as outside personalities whose presence is required by article L713-3 of the Education Code.

The Board's powers vary according to the configuration in which it sits.


A)-Provisions common to all three training courses

The Board's powers are exercised with due regard for the responsibilities of the establishment's boards, committees and commissions.


B)-Powers of the full Council

In plenary session, the Board determines the policy of the Faculty of Science and defines the major pedagogical and scientific orientations of the component.
It deliberates on matters concerning the Faculty's missions, in particular:
- the election of the Director,
- the distribution of priorities in the allocation of the Faculty's budgetary resources,
- any search for external funding,
- the approval of job profiles proposed by the teaching departments,
- the organization of teaching,
- the drafting of the Faculty of Science's internal regulations and the validation of the internal regulations of the teaching departments,
- the setting up of commissions on subjects requiring in-depth work. The Board approves the composition of these commissions.

C)-Attributions of the Board in restricted formation

In a formation restricted to teacher-researchers, the Council:
- issues an opinion on individual questions relating to the careers of teacher-researchers,
- issues an opinion on proposals for the distribution of teacher-researchers' and teachers' services drawn up by the teaching departments.

The Board of the Faculty of Science is made up of 32 elected members divided into 4 colleges, plus 8 outside personalities.

*For elected members, the 32 seats are distributed as follows:
-Collège A1-Professeurs des universités - 8 seats,
-Collège A2 - Chercheurs (Directeurs de Recherche) - 2 seats,
-Collège B1-Maîtres de conférences - 8 seats,
-Collège B2 -Chercheurs (Chargés de Recherche) -2 seats,
-Collège des personnels BIATSS - 4 seats,
-Collège des usagers -8 seats.

*For external personalities, the distribution of the 8 seats is as follows:
- one representative of the Conseil Régional Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée (OPM),
- one representative of the Conseil Départemental de l'Hérault (CD Hérault),
- one representative of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole(MMM),
- one representative of the Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Régionale Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée (CRCI-OPM),
- a representative of the Conseil Economique, Social et Environnement Régional Occitanie (CESER-Occitanie),
- three personalities chosen as representatives of scientific and cultural associations and major public services, proposed by the Council's elected representatives and validated by a vote of these elected representatives.

In addition, the following are permanent guests of the Faculty Council, in an advisory capacity:
- the Deputy Directors,
- the Directors of the Teaching Departments and Pedagogical Support Services,
- the Head of Administrative Services,
- the Heads of Department/Poles of the Faculty of Science,
- the Project Managers,

and, if necessary,
- the Director of the Direction des Formations et des Enseignements (DFE),
- the Director of the Service Commun Universitaire d'Information, d'Orientation et d'Insertion Professionnelle (SCUIO-IP).

College A University professors and similar staff.pdfCollege B Lecturers and similar staff


Voters whose registration is subject to a request on their partCollège BIATS

Voters who are unable to vote in person may exercise their right to vote by appointing a proxy to vote on their behalf, who must be registered on the same electoral roll as the principal.

Faxed or electronically transmitted proxies are not accepted. Only an original document, bearing the signature of the principal, can be used to verify the authenticity of the power of attorney. On polling day, the proxy must present the power of attorney form together with proof of the principal's status.

No-one may hold more than two proxies.Valid identity documents are a national identity card, passport, residence permit and driver's license or, for users, a student card or, failing this, a certificate of attendance.Proxy forms must be collected, completed and registered with Mrs Sandra Gaucerand, Assistant Manager - Management Office, Bât 30. -

Proxies can be drawn up from Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 9 a.m. until Monday, March 26, 2018 at 4 p.m.

Application status

College A

College A - Alter FDSCollege A - An ambitious and attractive Faculty of Science


College B

College B - Alter FDSCollege B - An ambitious and attractive Faculty of SciencesCollege B - Liste Unitaires et Solidaires

College BIATS

Collège BIATS - SNPTESCollège BIATS - UNSA EDUCATIONCollège BIATS - Sud Éducation - CGT


College USERS

Collège Usagers - UNI - We act, you succeed!User Group - Z'élus sciences


Consult the electoral calendar