You will find below all the information concerning examinations at the Faculty of Science.
Regulations on the acquisition of Teaching Units (TU)
Any TU can be acquired either by validation (mark equal to or higher than 10/20), or by compensation in accordance with the rules for obtaining the diploma.
Once an TU has been acquired, it is definitive and its mark can no longer be modified.
Consequently, if you take the second session/chance when you have acquired theTU in session 1,
the mark for session 2 cannot replace that of session 1, which remains definitive.
The exam calendar is available online and on your ENT 15 days before the start of each exam session.
Please visit this page regularly AND your ENT - Convocations to check your convocations regularly.
On this page you will find the exam calendars
December 17 to 20, 2024
Calendar of Continuous Assessment tests for odd-numbered semesters
Session 1 - Licence / Master
January 6 to 17, 2025
EXAMINATION calendar for odd-numbered semesters
Session 1 - Licence / Master
Absence from examinations
In the event of justified absence from a written test, you must send proof of absence to the person in charge ofTU and to the School Office (Bât 36), together with the form below.
Bachelor's and Master's jury decisions
Exam Charter of the University of Montpellier
PIX certification
General organization and assessment procedures / Compensation rules
and examinations
What you need to know about exams if you are an FdS student
- Carry your student card with you at all timesor a form of identification (ID card, passport, etc.) to help test supervisors identify you.
If you are unable to show your student card or ID, you will not be allowed to sit for the exam.
(See FDS exam regulations)
Access to the examination room is strictly forbidden to any studentstudents who arrive after the subjects have been opened.
(Cf UM Exam Charter)
- Once the examination papers have been distributed, students are allowed to leave the examination room after signing the attendance sheet.
(Cf UM Exam Charter)
- A student caught cheating or attempting to cheat will be subject to a procedure that may result in a disciplinary sanction:
1° A warning;
2° A reprimand;
3° Exclusion from the establishment for a maximum of five years. This sanction may be suspended if the exclusion does not exceed two years;
4° Permanent exclusion from the establishment;
5° Exclusion from all public higher education establishments for a maximum of five years;
6° Permanent exclusion from all public higher education establishments.
(Cf UM Exam Charter)