Digital skills certificate (PIX)

PIX at Montpellier University's Faculty of Science
Since the start of the 2019-2020 academic year, Pix certification has been integrated as a pedagogical element in a TU general culture, first or second semester (HA1G10H & HA2G12H respectively (4ects), 40 places per TU maximum, first registered first served, no group extension possible)
Some courses require training and/or Pix certification:
- PEIP-bio:Pix training and certification required for graduation (HA2G12HY: registration and transfer to L1S2)
- CMI: Pix training and certification required to obtain the diploma (HAI509I, please contact the CMI manager for more information).
- Bio-MV: Training is compulsory, but Pix certification is not. Completion of theTU HAV404V (S3-Pix) course is a prerequisite forTU de Bioinfo HAV404V. This TU de bioinfo is compulsory in L2S4 for students in the Bio-MV "life science" bachelor's degree program (PCAV, LAS, Bio-ME). The grade obtained in the first semester is taken into account as CC3 in the second semester inTU HAV404V (S4:bioinfo).
The main Steps
Prerequisites for these courses :
=> A computer (keyboard + mouse). Tablets and telephones are not suitable. You can use the computers in the Faculty of Science room in building 36 (36.209). The schedule for this room is posted on the door.
=> You need to install free software and use only this, both to practice and to pass the certification
=> No basic level is necessary, you will acquire it yourself.
Assessment :
=> There will be 2 continuous tests (non-presential - individual and autonomous work at home ≈ 25h) on specific Pix digital skills.
These assignments are compulsory and form part of the final grade for theTU. They must be completed and handed in by a specific date.
=> There will be 1 final exam: placement test (non face-to-face - individual and independent work at home ≈ 25h) on all 16 Pix digital skills.
This test is compulsory.
It must be completed and returned by a specific date:
This positioning indicates to the student the level reached (from 1 to 7) in each numerical skill, as well as the number of points acquired. To be registered for pix certification, you must achieve at least level 4 in each skill.
This final exam can be taken as many times as necessary to reach a score of 4, before the results are sent. The time limit depends on the date set for submission. This means students can improve their starting score and measure their progress, and send in their results whenever they like, before the deadline.
=> Catch-up: Passage of the Certification pix(Presential - Test on computer lasting 1h45 - this will be the catch-up mark)
At the end of each semester, during the assessment weeks, students must take the certification test organized by the FDS or the head ofTU. This will validate the digital skills acquired, with reference to the last positioning test completed.
Students can only take the certification if they have taken the placement test, sent the results to the person in charge and reached level 4 in each skill.
The pix certification will be issued to the student after deliberation by the national jury, in digital format directly on the student's Pix account.
=> In conjunction with the national procedure, TU HA1G10H & HA2G12H offer students face-to-face training in the form of TD(3h)/TP(6h), to help them pass this certification.
However, the assessment for these TU is the same and is based on 3 scores obtained on the pix assessment platform to be sent to the TU manager:
- CC1: Test the following Pix skills (Homework ≈15h)
Pix skill 1.3: Process data
Pix skill 2.3: Collaborate
Pix skill 3.1: Develop text documents
- CC2: Test the following pix skills (Homework ≈15h)
Pix skills 3.2: Developing multimedia documents
Pix skills 3.3: Adapting documents to their purpose
Pix skills 3.4: Programming
- Final exam: Test the 16 skills from the pix platform (homework ≈15h).
- Catch-up score: Score obtained in the PIX certification exam.
Certification :
The certification is only taken in person on the FDS campus.
It lasts 1h45 and you will be asked 32 questions.
To obtain certification, you need to answer 20 questions. Depending on your answers, the difficulty of the questions will be adapted to give you an assessment of your level for the 16 skills.