Diplomas: Availability / Sending

Diploma availability

Bachelor's degrees / LPRO

All 22/23 bachelor's degrees and professional licenses are available.

Master's degrees

For Master 22/23 degrees, all degrees are available except :

- Geomatics specialization

- Fundamental physics and applications (all tracks except "Astrophysics")

- Water Sciences (all tracks except "Water and Agriculture" and "Water and Society").

- Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution, (all tracks except : "Erasmus Mundus Master Programme in Evolutionary Biology (MEME))
- Teaching, education and training, secondary school level

I would like to pick up my diploma on site, or have someone pick it up for me:

In both cases, you must make an appointment using the form below.

"Please allow a minimum of 48 hours between the request and the desired appointment date."

You can request a mailing
(procedure at the bottom of the page).

Appointments take place exclusively on Tuesdays and Thursdays outside university vacations.

8h30-12h / 13h30-16h

" Please note: after two no-shows, and without justification, you will have to request a postal delivery to collect your diploma."

I can't pick up my diploma, what should I do?

Please check the availability of your diploma above before applying. If your diploma is not available, please wait until it is before applying.

Postal delivery for graduates residing in France :

Postal delivery for graduates residing in France :

Please send the documents below to this precise address:

Montpellier University Faculty of Science
Pôle Diplômes / Archives Bt 36
Place Eugène Bataillon
34095 MONTPELLIER cedex 5

Documents to be enclosed in your envelope:

- download the document here, complete, date and sign.

- A copy of your valid identity card

- A cardboard envelope, 24 x 32 cm format, with your name and address, stamped at the current rate for registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt.

Postal delivery for graduates living abroad :

Your diploma will be sent to the French Embassy or Consulate General closest to your home, via the Valise Diplomatique service of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Please send the documents below to this precise address:

Montpellier University Faculty of Science
Pôle Diplômes / Archives
Place Eugène Bataillon Bâtiment 36
34095 MONTPELLIER cedex 5

Documents to be enclosed in your envelope:

- the form to download here, complete, date and sign (be sure to indicate the precise address of the French Embassy or Consulate General closest to your home).

- A copy of your valid identity card

Unlike sending a diploma to France, you don't need to enclose the cardboard envelope mentioned in the form you've downloaded and completed.

Power of attorney

By appointment only

Please fill in the appointment form

You will find below the form to fill in to request a power of attorney.

Other requests

Application for a DEUG diploma (2nd-year bachelor's degree)

In accordance with article 8 of circular n°2014-0018 dated 23-10-2014 "The two intermediate diplomas, the diploma of general university studies (DEUG) and the master's degree, are issued to students who request them."

To do this, you need to download the document " Request for issue of the DEUG diploma (2nd year Bachelor's degree)", fill it in correctly, sign it and send it to the address indicated on the document. fill it in correctly, sign it and send it to the address indicated on the document.

ATTENTION: it takes several months to issue a DEUG (2nd year Bachelor's degree) diploma (diploma issued, signed by the President of the University of Montpellier, signed by the Rectorat). To avoid penalizing you by waiting too long, we can offer you an attestation of successful completion of the diploma (a document with the same legal value as the diploma). Download the application form here.

Application for a Master's degree (Master 1)

In accordance with article 8 of circular n°2014-0018 dated 23-10-2014 "The two intermediate diplomas, the diploma of general university studies (DEUG) and the master's degree, are issued to students who request them."

To do this, you need to download the document " Demande d'édition du diplôme de Maîtrise (Master 1ère année)". fill it in correctly, sign it and send it to the address indicated on the document.

ATTENTION: it takes several weeks to several months to issue a Maîtrise (1st year Master's) diploma (diploma issued, signed by the President of the University of Montpellier, signed by the Rectorat). To avoid penalizing you by waiting too long, we can offer you an attestation de réussite au diplôme (a document with the same legal value as the diploma). Download the request for an attestation of successful completion a

Request a duplicate

A duplicate diploma can only be issued if the original document has been destroyed, lost or stolen. An official document must be presented to verify the request (damage report, complaint receipt, affidavit, etc.), together with proof of identity. The school that issued the original diploma is authorized to issue the duplicate after checking the documents and the validity of the diploma requested. You must download the document, fill it in correctly, sign it, attach the required documents and send it to the address indicated on the document.

ATTENTION: issuing a duplicate diploma takes several weeks to several months (re-issue of the diploma, signature by the President of the University of Montpellier, signature by the Rectorat). To avoid penalizing you by waiting too long, we can offer you an attestation of successful completion of the diploma (a document with the same legal value as the diploma). Download the attestation of successful completion form.

Certificates of achievement

Certificates of achievement for 2022/2023 will be automatically issued on your ENT at the end of the diploma juries held in July and September.

These certificates enable you to assert your rights as a diploma holder, until the diplomas become available

For years prior to 2022/2023, a certificate of achievement can be issued on request by e-mail :

please complete the form below and return it to: fds.diplomes@umontpellier.fr