Part-time teachers
Vacancy procedure
Your contacts by department
04 67 14 49 01
04 67 14 42 53
Master Geosciences :
Master Water :
Documents to enclose with your application depending on your status
If you are a gratis agent
Meet the conditions for principal employment laid down in decree no. 87-889 of October 29, 1987
If you are a private-sector employee
Be employed for at least 900 hours a year by the same public or private employer (European Union)
If you are CEO, Manager or Co-Manager
Be at the helm of a company for at least one year as of September 1, 2016
If you are self-employedt
Be self-employed / either as an auto-entrepreneur, provided you are subject to the Contribution Economique Territoriale (CET), or have earned a regular income (over 7676 euros/year) from this activity for at least 3 years, in addition to teaching hours at the UM.
If you are a non-permanent civil servant
Be employed for at least 900 hours a year by the same public or private employer (European Union)
If you are a permanent civil servant
Be employed for at least 900 hours a year by the same public or private employer (European Union)
If you are retired or pre-retired
Either retired or pre-retired, not having reached the age limit for civil servants, and exercising a principal professional activity outside the University of Montpellier at the time of leaving the service. Must not have exceeded the age limit
If you are a 3rd cycle student
Any student receiving funding for his or her studies must submit an application in the BIATSS permanent or non-permanent staff category of the establishment, or in the non-permanent staff category of other administrations or EPICs.
Be a non-salaried student enrolled in a 3rd cycle higher education degree program in France (doctorate) in 2016/2017 and not benefit from a contractual doctoral student contract.