Administrative and technical staff

General information

Authorized teleworking: payment of the lump-sum allowance

The decree of August 26, 2021, relating to the payment of the lump-sum teleworking allowance, sets out the terms and conditions for payment of this allowance to tenured and contractual civil service staff. In accordance with regulations, this allowance will be paid quarterly in arrears to teleworkers authorized by the establishment (permanent and contractual BIATSS staff). Compensation for days teleworked will be paid quarterly. Compensation is capped at €220 per year. The calculation of the number of days teleworked per agent will be automated using the University's Application Déclarative des Horaires et Congés (ADHOC), enabling agents to be compensated without having to expressly request it. A few details in response to your questions:

  • Fixed AND floating teleworking days must be entered in the ADHOC tool,
  • The daily teleworking allowance is €2.50 per day teleworked, and €1.25 per 1/2 day of fixed teleworking (reminder: floating days cannot be split into 1/2 days),
  • This allowance is reserved for permanent and contractual BIATSS employees under public law who have been authorized by the University to telework for a year, or to telework for health or disability reasons (remote work is not compensated),
  • Reminder of the UM's teleworking charter, article 7.1: "Regardless of the work organization chosen for one of the three teleworking arrangements, the minimum weekly period of presence at the place of assignment may not be less than 2 days per week".
Training courses for University of Montpellier staff => GEFORP

The university's staff - students, lecturers and researchers, permanent and contract employees - have access to a range of training programs.

From January 2023: The GEFORP (Gestion des Formations pour les Personnels) online registration platform replaces SYGEFOR (Système de Gestion des Formations).

This new, more accessible and operational tool allows you to better track and manage your training program.

To consult training offers and register: https: //

  1. View the general presentation of the training program planned for 2023, broken down by semester .
  2. Consult the programs and dates of the 1st semester sessions and register on GEFORP (accessible from your ENT, "My account" tab), taking into account any prerequisites.

For further information:



Opening of the 2024 session of the common law ITRF COMPETITION campaign.

Consult open positions on the University of Montpellier website.

Registration and download of application files from Tuesday April 2 at 12pm to Tuesday April 30, 2024 at 12pm on the Ministry's website.

For information, the main conditions for entering the competition are as follows:

- external competitions: hold the required diploma no later than the date of the first test,

- internal competitions: justify the required length of service on January 1, 2024

Please note:

- Applications must be sent by registered post by midnight on April 30, 2024, as evidenced by the postmark, to the competition organizing center.

- applications submitted by hand, internal mail, e-mail or any other electronic means will not be accepted.

For this reason, we invite you to anticipate as far as possible the administrative deadlines for drawing up statements of public service and their endorsements. 

Please forward your requests to the relevant departments of the Human Resources Department by April 18 at the latest:

- contract staff management department( and,

- or to the BIATSS personnel management department(

ITRF Professional Examinations :

Registration opens for ITRF professional examinations for grade promotion

- Senior research engineer

- Outstanding research and training technician 

- Senior research and training technician 

- 2nd class senior technical assistant for research and training

are open from12 noon on Tuesday, April 2 to 12 noon on Tuesday, April 30, 2024

For more information on these professional examinations (requirements, nature and duration of tests), please consult the Ministry's website.

Registration and download of application files from Tuesday April 2 at 12pm to Tuesday April 30, 2024 at 12pm on the Ministry's website.

Completed applications must be sent by registered post by Tuesday April 30, 2024, before midnight (date as postmark) to the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in Paris (IGR HC, TECH CE, TECH CS) or to Montpellier 3 Paul Valéry University (ATRF principal de 2ème classe).

These examinations are organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and will take place in Paris, with the exception of the professional examination for 2nd class senior technical assistant, which will be organized by Montpellier 3 Paul Valéry University for the Montpellier Academy.

The provisional timetable for the oral tests is as follows:

- senior research engineer: current November 2024

- exceptional-class research and training technician: mid-September 2024

- senior research and training technician: October 2024

- assistant technique principal de 2ème classe de recherche et de formation: consult the Montpellier 3 Paul Valéry University website.


RECRUITMENTS WITHOUT COMPETITION at the University of Montpellier open for the year 2024.

4 ATRF positions are open to recruitment:

- Logistics operator - BAP G - 1 position

- Administrative Management Assistant - BAP J - 3 positions

The recruitment notice and application pack (4 pages including letter of application, model curriculum vitae and declaration of honour) are available on the University website.

The deadline for sending applications by registered post (date as postmark) is May 3, 2024.

Applications submitted by hand, internal mail, e-mail or any other electronic means will not be accepted.

For further information,

- no diploma or seniority of public service is required for recruitment without competition.

- recruitment, pre-selection and audition procedures will be published on the University's website.

The Administrative Management and Careers department manages the following aspects:

As part of these missions, this department acts as an interface between all FdS staff and the University's central departments. Many administrative acts require the approval / visa / signature of the component's management, and the HR - BIATS unit is responsible for relaying these documents to the University's Human Resources Department.

Its first mission is to liaise with the DRH UM services on all campaigns and issues relating to staff assigned to the UFR - BIATS and Enseignant, and to welcome, inform, support and guide staff and their managers.
The second mission of the GAC department is to ensure detailed monitoring of the various campaigns and individual situations of the Faculty of Science's personnel, in order to provide the UFR's management with the indicators and information required for decision-making.
Finally, by providing detailed monitoring of payroll expenditure from its own resources, and detailed monitoring of support and jobs, the GAC department supports the management in making budgetary and job-mapping decisions

Current campaigns

BIATS BIATS staff management by N+1
Request for authorization to hold multiple jobs - BIATS staff

If you wish to honour a secondary activity, follow the appropriate procedure:

  1. Declaration: If your activity is related to teaching, training or research, a dedicated application is now available for you to complete your declaration on the ENT space - ICI
  2. Authorization: For other types of activity, fill in an authorization request form at least 1 month before the activity is due to start. Obtain the opinion of your managers and submit it by e-mail to your department secretary for initial verification.

In the event of non-compliance, the Chairman may object to your activity and inform you accordingly. The HRD may request additional information within 15 days. Objection may be made at any time.

For doctoral students, requests for authorization to work concurrently are no longer processed by the GAC Pole; they must contact their laboratory's HR correspondent.

If your activity does not correspond to these procedures, contact your HRD management department:

The forms and full procedure are available on theIntranet.

Other HR campaigns


The "Telework 2024-2025" campaign - effective September 1, 2024 - is now open.

The procedure is as follows, bearing in mind the strict deadlines involved:

=>Beforesending the summary to the N+1, the agent must register Mr MIZIKIS Axel as HR correspondent " ".

  • June 12 to June 23, 2024 ->Submission of teleworkrequests by agents on DématUM between June 12 and June 23 2024. The application will be closed to agents on June 24, 2023.
  • June 24 to July 2, 2024 -> N+1s must interview all teleworking applicants, and complete their summary online before July 2, 2024.
  • From July 3 to July 10, 2024 -> Final validation by the structure manager, Gilles Guévellou, Directeur Administratif de Composante, for transmission to DRH by July 10, 2024, the closing date of the teleworking campaign.
  • Bid review commission on July 16, 2024.
  • Decisions communicated to candidates via the application no later than July 19.
  • Following the review board's decision, it will be up to each agent to return to the DematUM application, in order to validate the telework authorization act by August 31, 2024 at the latest. This validation is mandatory in order to benefit from telework. 

You can find via this link all the documents relating to this campaign (circular, charter and appendices, tutorials, teleworking guides, self-assessment forms, standard documents, etc.).

- For permanent and contract employees concerned by disabled teleworking: these requests can be made throughout the year on the DematUM application. They will be validated by a specific commission. This committee meets once a month. If you are a new employee and would like to take advantage of the disabled teleworking campaign, we invite you to contact the HR Department's cross-functional missions coordination department at, so that we can help you with this process.

- For non-tenured staff, regardless of their current situation (taking part in competitive examinations and/or awaiting contract renewal), a request must also be made during this campaign for the year 2024-2025 - in accordance with the procedure described above.

- Requests for telecommuting for health reasons, pregnancy or caregiving are made via the DEMATUM application - derogatory telecommuting tab. If you would like assistance, please contact the HR Department's cross-functional missions coordination department at

You can find more information at this link.

The GAC FdS pole remains at your disposal for any question relating to the "Telework 2024/2025" campaign. To help you in your approach, please find the detailed procedure to follow:

Time savings account

The 2021 Time Savings Account (TSA) campaign is now open in the ADHOC application.

We would also like to draw your attention to the campaign dates:

  • from November1, 2021 to December 31, 2021: opening and/or funding of the CET,

=>Theform for opening and/or funding a CET generated via the ADHOC application, signed by the employee and his/her N+1,should besent to the UFR Sciences -GAC department .fds.gestionrh@umontpellier.frno later thanFriday, December 10, 2021, forfinal approval by the Faculty's Administrative Director.

  • - from January1, 2022 to January 31, 2022: exercise of the right of option for days above the threshold of 15 days saved.

As a reminder, for permanent employees and employees on open-ended contracts, leave days that cannot be paid into the CET must be used up by December 31, 2021.

Otherwise, theywillbelost: all leave earned during the 2020/2021 reference period and not taken by 12/31/2021 will be reset to zero in the ADHOC application in January 2022.

For contract staff on fixed-term contracts, as stipulated in their employment contracts, annual leave must be taken before the end of the contract period and does not give rise to any compensation.

Agents who have not yet entered their closing dates for the festive season (from the evening of Friday December 17 to Friday December 31, 2021 inclusive) are asked to do so in the ADHOC tool.

All documents (circular and t

The first phase of internal mobility for the University's administrative and support staff opens in April, with new positions starting on September1.

The second phase of internal mobility for the University's BIATS staff opens in July, with the new recruits taking up their posts on November1.

This movement concerns all the establishment's permanent staff in the AENES and ITRF sectors, all BAPs included.

You can use the "Mobility" application on the ENT UM in the "My file" section to enter your wishes.

the procedure is entirely dematerialized, including notification and signature of managers. All applications will then be examined by the CCCM (Commission Consultative Carrière Mobilité).

As part of an ETE leave:

- Appendix 1 must be returned by NOVEMBER 23, 2022

- Appendix 2 and supporting documents must be returned by December 12, 2022.

As part of a WINTER vacation:

- Appendix 1 must be returned before March 20, 2023

- Annex 2 and supporting documents must be returned before May 09, 2023

This type of file must go through the HR - GAC department for final approval by the Administrative Director of the Faculty of Science.

Please send the completed and signed appendices and supporting documents to the following address:

These documents must then be sent through the hierarchy and by electronic means only:

 - For BIATS staff

DRH SGPB - Collective Management and Resources Office and

- For teaching and research staff

DRH SGPE - Collective Management Office and

- For contract staff on permanent contracts

DRH SGPC - Collective Management and Resources Office and

All the documents (the circular and the appendices concerning the 2023 bonus leave campaign) are available on the File Sender link below:

It should also be noted that, although not listed in the appendices, New Caledonia is one of the possible destinations.

For agents concerned by this destination, it is necessary to contact their administrative department.

Setting professional objectives for new arrivals

Article 3 of the order of March 18, 2013 set up the target-setting mechanism for newly-assigned staff.

This is part of the collective process of defining departmental objectives, and aims to set individual objectives, during a discussion between each new employee and his or her direct line manager.

This procedure is compulsory for permanent and contract staff assigned as of September 1. September, optional for apprentices. 

In addition, the University of Montpellier's action plan for quality of life at work has introduced a corporate objective to improve the managerial practices of supervisory staff, particularly those taking on supervisory responsibilities for the first time.

Each N+1 will take particular care to ensure that the staff concerned have an individual objective of improving their managerial practices.

The document, signed by the employee, the N+1 and the N+2, must be returned to the Pôle Gestion Administrative et Carrières (Administrative and Career Management Department). -no later than the beginning of December.

Please refer to the intranet article " Setting professional objectives for 2022/2023 for new arrivals ", which sets out all the details. A template (in Word format) is also available to formalize this procedure.