Active orientation in L1

Since the start of the September 2018 academic year, the active orientation scheme provided for by the ORE law has been implemented at the Faculty of Science. It comprises several levels to enable you to find the refresher resources suited to your course

Success with the help of the guidance service

Whether it's because you can't keep up, or because you realize you don't want to follow this course, you may want to reorient yourself. You can do this as early as the first semester, thanks to the "Consult the flyer" certification offered by SCUIO-IP (on the first floor of BU Sciences).

They'll help you take stock of your project and your skills, and introduce you to the many training courses available. Did you know that some BTS and DUT courses open in January? If this is your choice, don't wait until the end of the academic year!

The active orientation program applies to all L1 students.

When do I need help?

● If I don't have a scientific baccalaureate...
● If I have a scientific baccalaureate but low marks in science...
● If I had low marks in the ParcourSup placement tests...
● If I have interrupted my studies...
● If I received a "yes, if" answer...


This response to your application is not a sanction. This page explains why you have received this response and how the Faculty of Science will take steps to give you the means to succeed in your year.

The pedagogical committee that examined your ParcourSup application file judged that your profile revealed possible weaknesses. These weaknesses could be the specializations you chose in your Première and Terminale**, low marks in science in your Terminale/Première year, a break in your studies, an "unconventional" education, etc.

In some portals (Mathematics and its applications, Computer Science), you will be offered special TU courses from the first semester onwards. In other portals, you are free to enroll as you wish: no choices are closed to you because of your "yes, if" status, you will be in mixed "yes" and "yes, if" groups, and you will take the same exams and tests.

This classification is not a sanction, and even less a stigmatization. On the contrary, being "yes, if" gives you privileged access to a number of support services, including mentoring by Master's or L3 students, and individual interviews during the first semester with your portal's mentor-teachers.

Semester 1

Specific, early "yes, if" framing:

  • Individual interviews withthe Director of Studies and the teaching staff,
  • Student mentoring formethodological or subject-specific help,
  • Some portals feature TU deremédiation.

Choosing your orientation in semester 2

Towards the end of Semester 1, it's time to take stock and think about what to do next.

  • If you have no particular difficulties, you can continue to a standard L1,
  • If you are experiencing difficulties, but would like to complete your L1 in two years, some portals offer lightened semesters 2, in which some TU from the standard course are replaced by TU deremédiation adaptées. This option means you don't have to complete your L1 in a single year, but it does allow you to build up the strength to successfully complete your year at a more appropriate pace. You will, of course, retain the benefits of TU acquired in the first year.

The three portals offering this possibility are Maths et ses applications, PCSI and SVSE (See the semester 2 program for each portal by clicking on the links below).
=> Maths portal
=> PCSI portal
=> SVSE portal

  • If you feel that your initial choice of portal was not the right one, it is possible in some cases to prepare a change of portal for the following year, by following TU for internal reorientation within the framework of a lightened semester 2. At the end of your first L1, you will repeat your first year in the chosen portal, to complete your L1 in 2 years.
  • If you are experiencing serious difficulties that make you think that the Faculty of Science is not the right course for you, reorientation courses will enable you to make the most of your second semester and prepare your ParcourSup application in the best possible conditions. These courses take place during the first 7 weeks of semester 2, so that your marks can be included in your application.

The teaching team will be on hand to advise you on the best course of action for you.

The specific features of each portal are detailed in the documents below.